Tuesday, January 17, 2006

New Mac Stuff!

MacWorld was last week, and lots of announcements made. It wasn't as earth-shattering a show as they sometimes are, but we've already ordered our family license of iLife '06. New in that package is iWeb, so we'll see how long I keep this blog on blogger.

In other computer news, I spent the weekend playing around with ripping and creating DVDs. My ultimate goal is taking the two-sided Riverdance DVD, and creating a single-sided DVD containing only the "fast" songs (ie. only the ones DD likes!). I've managed to get one number on the iPod, but haven't burned a DVD yet. All steps of the process go very slllooowwly, as ripping and encoding are not speedy. So far, I've used HandBrake for ripping, and Quicktime Player and iMovie and iDVD for creating. We finally just paid the $30 and upgraded our Quicktime Player to Pro (grumble grumble for having to do this AGAIN), but it does make editing sooo much faster and easier.


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