Why I Love Running Errands
Ok, there's a lot of running around you do as a mom. But, some days, I really love running errands. Here's my list why:
- If the kids are in the car, they aren't at home dumping out a bin of toys and making a mess.
- The kids actually like to ride in the car, so they're usually not fighting if we're out riding around.
- I get to listen to audiobooks. Granted, they're usually for the under-10 set, but a lot of those stories are still quite entertaining.
- I can take up an entire morning or afternoon just by driving around and getting stuff done. And, generally, the kids are pretty well behaved in stores, etc.
We went to the post office the other day, to mail stuff and buy Christmas stamps. DD was fascinated by where the letters would go when she put them in the slot, and since we weren't in a rush, we could stand there for a minute or two and debate *why* there was a basket there and *why* the letters had to go there. Then, there was the fun of explaining the concept of a single line, multiple tellers to DS. The man in line ahead of us was very amused by the whole conversation. DS just couldn't understand why we chose to stand in the longest line, instead of those other nice, short 1 person lines at the other windows. :) And finally, there was the purchasing of stamps themselves, and the Questions. One was easy - DS wanted to know what the little toy mailboxes were for (stamp dispensers), and then the Big One: "How do you deliver letters to Santa?". "We have a special delivery to the North Pole.". "But how do you get through all the snow? Do you use snowmobiles?" "It's a secret." And, sensing the rather long line behind us, we moved on. But it was still a lot of fun. :)
Oh, and since this post is missing a link to something, we're currently listening to a) The Key to the Indian and b) Lazytown (and more Lazytown, and Lazytown yet again).
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